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Your Library Card

Getting a card, renewing materials, placing holds, etc.

Who Can Get a Card

Any adult patron may receive a Toulon Library Card as long as they are a resident of the Toulon Public Library District.  Children of the Toulon Public Library District may receive a Toulon Library Card from 3 years old, up.  All children through the 8th grade must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when they register as the parent or guardian must sign for the child’s card.
The Toulon Public Library District will not issue cards or provide service to patrons who are known to have overdue obligations (in the form of unpaid fines or overdue/lost/damaged material) at another Illinois Library.  There is not a charge for obtaining a Toulon Library Card when you are a resident of the library district. If a patron loses his/her card, there is a $1.00 fee for a replacement card. If the card has expired, there is no charge for a replacement. 

How to Get Your Card

Adult residents of the Toulon Public Library District should bring identification with their picture and address (driver’s license/picture I.D./State I.D.) and another form of identification with their name and address (bill, lease, checkbook, canceled mail, etc.). Then fill out the registration card as fully as possible, showing place of business with address and phone number.

Children of the Toulon Public Library District may obtain a Toulon Public Library District Card when they are 3 years old. All children through the 8th grade must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when they register as the parent or guardian must sign for the child’s card. The Public Library does not deny a child a library card even though his/her parents have an invalid or delinquent card. However, since the parents must sign for the child’s card that they are responsible for materials checked out by a child, the library may restrict the usage of the child’s card. The restriction is only one (1) item may be checked out at a time. Once the parent’s cards are valid, this restriction would be removed.

Borrowing Rules

Patrons must have his/her own library card to checkout materials. 

Children are limited to eight (8) items, total, when a parent or guardian is not with them.

Videos are limited to four (5) VHS and (4) DVD videos per household.

Borrowing Periods

Books, Audiobooks, CDs 2 weeks
Periodicals (except current issues) 2 weeks
Periodicals (current issues) 2 days
Reference materials DO NOT CIRCULATE
Special Reserved/Seasonal/Holiday materials Set by the library
DVDs 1 week
Vacation loan As needed
Teacher loan As needed


Renewals may be made in person at the lIbrary, on the phone, or online through the RSA Cat.  Books, audiobooks, cassettes, periodicals, and CDs may be renewed for 2 weeks. "New" books and "Current issue" periodicals may only be renewed if there are no holds on them. Videos may be renewed only one time.

Placing Holds/Reserving Items

Materials we have: If one of our items is not in the library when a patron requests, the patron may reserve the item, if desired.

Materials we do not own: if a patron requests an item that the library does not own, an interlibrary loan request may be made.  The library will only order interlibrary loan materials for toulon library cardholders.

Library Fines

Fines Per Day:

Books $0.10
CDs, Cassette tapes $0.10
Periodicals $0.10
Book Cassettes $0.10
VHS/DVDs $1.00
Books from other libraries $0.25

Overdue Fines accrue up to the price of replacement of the materials.


Returned checks: $10.00 plus any bank charges

Printing: Photocopy and microfilm copies: Patrons who use the photocopy machine or printout on the microfilm reader/printer will be charged $0.20 per page. The fee for black and white printouts on the computer is $0.20 each and color printouts is $0.50 each.

Faxing: Patrons may send and receive faxes at the library. The fee to send a fax is $2.50 for up to three (3) pages and $.50 for each additional page. The fee to receive is $1.50 for up to three (3) pages and $.50 for each additional page.


Europe, North and South America: double the fax charges.

Asia, Africa and Australia/New Zealand: triple the fax charges.

Lost or Damaged Materials:

Toulon library materials: when patrons lose or damage (beyond repair) library materials, they are responsible for paying the cost of the lost or damaged materials. In addition to the cost of the material, the patron is also charged any fines incurred up to the time the item was reported lost.

Damaged Materials: For damage done to a book or other library materials, a fee of $2.00 will be assessed for mending or fixing the item. If the item is beyond repair, then the full price of the item will be added to the damage fee.

Lost Materials: Lost materials will have a $2.00 processing fee added to the price of the item. If the patron finds the item at a later date, the price for the lost item will be returned if the lost item has not been replaced by the library.

The library finds prices for lost items:

  1. Looking on the computer to find the price.
  2. Looking in Books in Print to find the current price.
  3. Checking the shelflist for the cost when the item was first purchased.
  4. Average prices for materials as given in Bowker’s Annual.

Kits: If any part of the kit (book or cassette) is missing, then the full price of the material will be charged to the patron plus the $2.00 processing fee.

Lost or Damaged Ill books: If any item is lost or damaged (beyond repair) while being circulated on an interlibrary loan, the patron will be charged the fee that the lending library charges the Toulon Public Library District.